Very intellectual, Ghostrunner. In order to write his character I went really method, spent three months lurking around chicken coops in Puerto Rico menacing livestock and scurrying around. I really got inside the head of the modern Chupacabra, just so I could really feel comfortable writing from that perspective. Also, another thing I got out of this experience, after a while, pepper spray and tazers don’t even bother you.
dang that chupe’s smart. they famous for smart.
i dunno. how intelectual must a creature be that has a hobby licking goats?
Very intellectual, Ghostrunner. In order to write his character I went really method, spent three months lurking around chicken coops in Puerto Rico menacing livestock and scurrying around. I really got inside the head of the modern Chupacabra, just so I could really feel comfortable writing from that perspective. Also, another thing I got out of this experience, after a while, pepper spray and tazers don’t even bother you.
So you’re that chupacabra I saw lurking in those bushes and pepper sprayed! Another awesome page dude – love it 🙂
Why, thank ya, sir!